Amelia Gentleman
Among our finest investigative journalists, Amelia Gentleman is perhaps best known for her startling exposé of British governments' betrayal of the citizenship rights of thousands of British citizens from the 'Windrush' generation. Heartbreaking and enraging in equal measure, this scandalous episode is far from 'finished' and Gentleman joins us to show how an independent press can speak truth to power, on the people's behalf.
Power and the People - Windrush and Other Betrayals

Amelia Gentleman is a reporter for The Guardian. She was named journalist of the year in 2019 for her investigations into the Windrush scandal, and also won the Paul Foot award and an Amnesty prize for the reporting. Her book The Windrush Betrayal, Exposing the Hostile Environment was shortlisted for the 2020 Orwell book prize. Amelia previously reported from Paris and Moscow for The Guardian and from Delhi for The New York Times.